Thursday 6 March 2014

My animation idea (planning & preparing) 27th feb - 6th march 2014

For my animation idea I'am going to make a lyric video I would like to have lots of different things and do a lot of work in it. I want to make it using some clay, cut outs and possibly draw some things as part of my animation because I've got an idea and I want to do a lot with it.

I would also like to take some photos and put it together as an animation either of myself or someone else, this might not happen but I want to bring out all my ideas and put it into that 90 seconds of my animation because I want this to be the best that I can make it.

I chose to do Eminem because his songs are really deep and they mean something to many people and he is one of the top rappers.

These are just some that I really like:

The song that I'm going to do a lyric animation is Beautiful Pain by Eminem & Sian as I really love this song the lyrics have meaning and i really like it because it's not like any other songs.

Eminem is one of my favourite rappers.

So I want to do this animation and put some emotion to it so the lyrics stand out and have meaning to it e.g. the text will look dramatic or I will make it go with the meaning of the word. I will try to animate as many things as I can. I really think this could work if I put my time and effort into it.

I could make some texts using Photoshop or try drawing it myself and then colour it but that might take more time and I'm not sure if I have anymore time than I already wasted. I kept changing my ideas and I never even started my animation at this stage.


I havent planned to put all of my ideas together yet but I need to listen to the song and figure out what I can put with it. I want the music to play exactly with my animation to do this will require some editing either on imovie or Adobe Premiere Pro and I will use garage band to edit the music.



I will make my animation using stop motion but I will need to use GarageBand and imovie to put my video nicely together and maybe add some effects.

I will mainly use some clay and cut outs for this because the lyrics of this video needs a good animation which I hope to make.

I found these sites that can help me create some texts:

I found loads of different text that I could use.

I also looked at other stop motion videos that I could get ideas from:

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