Tuesday 17 June 2014

My video and sound editing (Novermber 2013 - December 2013)

I will be editing a video of my choice as well as editing the sound, this is just to show that my skills and whether or not I can do it.

I went on YouTube to find a video that I would like to edit and I chose to do Eminem Rap God and Eminem Berzerk because I like that song and the video is one of my favourite music videos of all time.


I then copied the link for this video and then went on this website to convert my video so I can edit it.

Once the video  was converted I then opened it on iMovie I was going to use Premiere Pro but I chose I wanted a simple video editor I'm not really good at using the other one.

Then I started a new project then I made sure that I saved it on my folder.
I then imported my video to iMovie.

I then selected the video files that I converted to edit.

It took a while to import but I waited for it to finish.

 Once it was done importing I began editing it cutting away the parts that I don't want.

I only selected certain parts of a video and then rearranged it to make it my own because the video is already edited and I edited the video intro and made it play backwards.

This is how I split my clips my right clicking and that's it but of course I never knew it was that simple I spent nearly half of the lesson wondering what to do and clicking on random things.

Then I clicked on the T below my video to add text add the beginning again I didn't think it was that simple.

I then chose this text and made sure that I finished editing everything else. The text looked good the red and white.
After I was done with the text I then exported it.

This also took ages to export...

After my video exported I went to Garage band to edit my sound.

Then I clicked on Movie because that's what I'm going to do import a movie file.
This even took longer than the video it was annoying waiting for it and it almost stopped responding.

I then went on track then new track so I can edit my sound.

It loaded again and it kept saying not responding but its still working at least...

I've listened to it and I only wanted to select a small part in the song.

After i finished editing my sound I decided to add an effect of it fading out at the end by going on track and then fade out. This software is like the easiest software I've ever used it was really simple.

Finally after I listened to it and watched the video I exported it by going on share then export movie to disk.

Then the waiting I hate this part I saved it this time before making it load something incase it doesn't respond and crashes on me.

Glad everything went fine at the end but I've waited more than 10minutes for it to export.
I really liked the video that I edited made it look like a trailer for his album though lol :D.

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